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Well Multivitamin Multimineral Tablets Benefits, Price, Dosage, Side effects

In this article, we are going to discuss the Modicare Well Multivitamin Multimineral Tablets Benefits, Price, Dosage, and Side effects.

Along with this, we will have an overview of the ingredients of these tablets.

Multivitamin multimineral tablets are used to treat vitamin and mineral deficiency that occurs as a result of either poor diet or long-term illness.

Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of the human body, these are the most important things that are required for a healthy lifestyle.

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To perform day-to-day activities, we all require an adequate number of vitamins and minerals, these tablets will help you gain that.

Well Multivitamin Multimineral Ingredients


Well multivitamin multimineral tablets contain all the essential nutrients that a human body need.

Which include essential minerals like:

  • Thiamin, Niacin
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, A, B, C, and so on
  • Folate
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Iodine
  • Copper

Apart from these main ingredient’s, there are many other ingredients in these tablets

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It is recommended not to intake those multivitamins which have boron, tin, and nickel as their ingredients because this may have some side effects.

Well Multivitamin Multimineral Tablets Benefits


As vitamins and minerals play a huge role in performing our day-to-day activities, so these multivitamin multimineral tablets have many benefits associated with them.


Some of the key benefits of these pills are:

1. Healthy heart: These pills are rich in vitamins like K1, B1, B6, B2, and minerals like magnesium and niacin which help the heart in cardiovascular activities.

2. Immunity booster: in times of global pandemic, where people are dying because of low immunity, these tablets are of great help. These multivitamins contain vitamins like B, C, and K which help immunes your body and prevents allergies.

3. Reduction of anxiety and stress: the multivitamins contain vitamin B and its family which helps in reducing your anxiety and stress.

4. Low risk of cancer: according to a study people who intake multivitamin tablets have a low risk of cancer.

5. Lower risk of aging: This is one of the benefits of multivitamin multimineral tablets. If you are consuming this tablet regularly the process of aging is reduced.

Well Multivitamin Multimineral Tablets Side Effects

Since these multivitamin multimineral tablets are a combination of many ingredients, they might have some side effects.

It is always recommended to consult a doctor if you face any side effects after regular consumption of these pills.

Some of the noticeable side effects are:

  • Itching, blistered skin, redness, or other allergic reactions
  • Headache followed by fever
  • Muscular weakness
  • Feeling Lethargic
  • Nausea, vomiting, chest burn
  • Swelling in different parts of the body
  • Stomach related issues like upset stomach, loose motions, or constipation

As these pills may react differently for each individual, you can have some other side effects as well.

If you are facing these side effects or any other side effects after regular consumption of these pills you must consult a doctor.

Well Multivitamin Multimineral Tablets Dosage


If you are planning to use this tablet then you should always consult your dietician or trainer first.

Since this is a vitamin and mineral tablet it is always preferred to take one pill daily on empty stomach.

These pills should be taken regularly if you have started them.

But this dosage might change concerning your body requirements that are why it is always advised to consult your doctor or your dietician.

It is always recommended not to overdose the tablets.

Price Of Well Multivitamin Multimineral Tablets

The multivitamin multimineral tablets are very easily affordable with prices ranging from 300-400 rupees.

See All Prices: Modicare Product Price List

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time to consume Vitamins?

Ans: Some vitamins are prescribed to take at night, some are prescribed to take in the morning, some can be taken on an empty stomach while others can be taken after meals.

These can be decided depending on your body’s needs and should be taken under your doctor’s supervision.

2. What all should be considered as priority while buying multivitamins?

Ans: While buying a multivitamin you should always look at its ingredients, it is recommended not to buy those pills which contain tin, boron, and nickel.

If anyone has digestive disorders, they should go for either powdered form of multivitamins or chewable form as these will be a better alternative for them.

If someone has any other form of illness, they must consult their doctor before consuming these pills.

3. Can a 16-year-old boy consume well multivitamin, multimineral tablets?

Ans: Yes, a 16-year-old boy can consume these pills if the child has vitamin and mineral deficiency in his regular diet.


One of the main questions now is why should we prefer Well multivitamin Multimineral tablets over others, the simple answer to this question is that this company uses the latest manufacturing techniques which preserve the nutrients in the tablets.

These tablets are prepared in R&D centers under the guidelines and care of professional technical staff.

Multivitamin multimineral tablets help in completing the vitamin and mineral deficiency in a human body and provides ample amount of energy to perform daily tasks.

It is advisable to consume these under proper guidance.

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